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Welcome Home

Be Part of Something Remarkable.

   The Daniel’s Place Welcome Home Campaign will establish the funding to construct and furnish the Daniel’s Place house, providing the opportunity to increase programming as well as  offer overnight stays. The Daniel’s Place house will be built in North Manchester on West 7th Street, across the street from Warvel Park and on the opposite corner from the Manchester Early Learning Center.


​Stellar Pathways Strategic Investment Plan

   14 projects were identified and included in the final Stellar Pathways Strategic Investment Plan inspired by key priorities outlined in the Imagine One 85 countywide strategic plan.

Construction of the Daniel's Place headquarters is one of those projects.

   With the amount that Daniel's Place will be rewarded from the Stellar Pathways, we are closer to our goal for building. But the buck doesn't stop there. Our Capital Campaign to keep the lights on for Guests for the next 100 years starts. 



Our Growing Need

Daniel's Place has been providing care for almost 6 years serving roughly 25 unique clients, but we've run out of space and lack the ability to provide overnight care.









​"When Daniel's Place opens its new building, families will have new opportunities for adventures that were previously impossible, and April will look forward to backpacking to Daniel's Place!"

-Trudy (April's Aunt)













Your Support Creates an Impact

   Your support is crucial in building the new Daniel’s Place home. We aim to construct a high-quality building that meets accessibility standards and caters to the unique needs of our diverse clientele. Your contributions will also help us provide specialized amenities and technology, as well as establish sustainable operational practices. This includes continuing to hire qualified professionals and providing ongoing training to ensure the highest standard of care. By investing in our capital campaign, donors play a direct role in improving the quality of life for individuals with disabilities and offering essential respite for their caregivers. Together, we can create a supportive community resource that promotes independence, dignity, and well-being for all.



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